Pastor’s eNote: 6th Week of Lent
Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus, Savior of all.
We are moving closer each week of Lent toward the holiest of weeks in the Christian Year. Palm Sunday, March 24 marks the beginning of Holy Week as we gather for worship at 10:00 a.m. to celebrate Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. Thursday evening of that same week, we gather for Maundy Thursday worship at 7:00 to remember Jesus’ commandment to “love one another” and recount the final hours of Jesus’ life. Then on Sunday, March 31 we celebrate the risen Lord at Easter Worship beginning at 10:00 a.m.
THIS Wednesday evening we have our monthly Night of Worship. Pizza dinner is served in the Fine Center at 6:30 p.m. followed by a powerful time of praise, prayer, and worship in the Sanctuary. Our Modern Worship Director Lisa Moe has helped prepare a time for worship which will also encourage you as we make our way to Holy Week.
Between Eggstravaganza and Holy Week, FFMC is a dynamic and thriving church. I am thankful for all of the work our staff and team of volunteers have done to prepare for the Eggstravaganza this Saturday. We look forward to a great event! Keep all of our staff in your prayers as they prepare moments for celebration, prayer, worship, and growth during this important time of year.
The great mystery of our faith is the God who has come in the flesh, dies on a cross, and is eternally risen in victory. I invite us all to spend time with Jesus in prayer during these remaining days of Lent. When we open our hearts to all that God has done for us in Jesus Christ, we will forever be changed. My fervent prayer is that you each experience the grace of God during this important season.
Grace to You All,
Pastor Craig Brown
(March 19, 2024)
Rev. Dr. Craig Brown
Lead Pastor