Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus, the Ascendant Lord.

I shared Sunday that Bettina and I had a great time away visiting so many friends now living in Austin, Texas. These connections with friends have endured, in some cases, for more than 30 years. We have each journeyed through life together and rejoiced at what God is doing in each of us during this season of our lives. (I’ll not be away again until September when we travel to Ireland for an early celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary.)

We launched our new worship series, “Divine Dance,” on Sunday. This short three-week series will help us experience the Triune God in new ways. This Sunday, we center ourselves on the Holy Spirit in our celebration of the Pentecost. Be sure to wear some red Sunday if you are worshipping in person!

June will be here before we know it and will include our Graduate Sunday (June 2), Stewardship Campaign (June 9, 16, and 23), our Annual Meeting on June 23, and finally New Member Sunday on June 30. Each of these Sundays will help our church celebrate and give thanks for joys of being together in community in the Name of Jesus. Like ties with dear friends over the years, these days of celebration and consecration knit us together as only the Lord can do.

I invite each of you to be in prayer this week for our Finance Team, which meets on Tuesday evening, and our Leadership Team, which meets on Thursday. We are in the early phases of completing our new fiscal year budget for 2024-2025 along with setting our strategic goals as a church. As June unfolds, you will be hearing more and more about the exciting work God is doing in our church. For now, please be in prayer with and for us who are charged with serving the church through our leadership.

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown
(May 14, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor