Fostering Hope Spotlight

I am deeply grateful for some FFMC folks who graciously responded to needs that they had eyes to see. One of our faithful volunteers, Jim Skadan, noticed that a wonderful, single mom who regularly attends our Foster Support Group with her 3 boys was in need of some respite care. So he offered to gather a few other “Grandpa-types” to take the boys on outings once a month to give this super-mom a much needed break.

A couple of weeks ago they discovered that this mother was in a sling from a recent car accident. Jim noticed she could use some help in their yard where they love to play. Email invitations went out, and 10 from our church showed up to work together with her boys to mow, weed, trim, and power wash. What was the average age working on this warm Saturday? 70 YEARS OLD! Thanks be to God! May we have eyes to see the needs around us, and the desire to respond.

Camille Pook, Pastor of Mission & Service
(July 11, 2024)

Fostering Hope