Pastor’s eNote: 5th Week of Lent
Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus, Savior of all.
Our Lenten worship series, “Practice Makes Possible”, has been an important exploration of the means of grace offered to us by Jesus himself. Over these five weeks (with one final week remaining), we have explored what John Wesley called the Instituted Means of Grace: prayer, Bible study, Holy Communion, fasting, and conferencing. It is my joy to welcome our own Rev. Dr. Sègbégnon Mathieu Gnonhossou in a conversation with me during the sermon this Sunday about “Conferencing.” This will be an important time to discover how our sharing together with others can bring great moments of God’s power and grace.
Both this series, “Practice Makes Possible,” along with our series after Easter, “The Art of Holy Living,” explore the means of grace available to us. Rev. Dr. Doug Strong has partnered with me in planning both of these series, which will also include his upcoming Paul T. Walls lecture on April 17, 2024 entitled, “The Prudential Means of Grace: Arts for Holy Living.” I am excited to be in such deep partnership with the Seattle Pacific University School of Theology in such meaningful ways. You can find more information about Dr. Strong’s lecture which will be held at FFMC by going to
Our Holy Week worship begins with Palm Sunday worship on March 24 at 10:00 a.m. followed by our Maundy (Holy) Thursday worship on March 28 at 7:00 p.m. Our Easter Celebration on March 31 will be at 10:00 a.m. I encourage all of us to center our lives around Jesus during Holy Week as we re-member the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Next Saturday, April 23rd is our annual Eggstravaganza. We need nearly 20 more volunteers to make this event a success. This is an important time for us to host many of the families at the North Queen Anne Childcare. I know this event will open new doors with many families. You can sign up to volunteer by going to
Remember that the chapel at FFMC is open for prayer each Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. for just two more weeks. If you have not had the journey of praying through the Lord’s Prayer, I hope you will do so soon. Our youth will have a special time to experience it this Wednesday evening as part of their regular youth meeting.
Grace to You All,
Pastor Craig Brown
(March 12, 2024)
Rev. Dr. Craig Brown
Lead Pastor