Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

I continue to be filled with thanksgiving to God for everyone in the FFMC family. Our Leadership Team, Finance Team, and Facility Team have been working overtime to prepare for our annual meeting coming up on Sunday, June 23, 2024. Our Facility Team has been working on our long-term options for the North Queen Anne Childcare while continuing to help expand our church’s ministry on our campus. The Finance Team has been working hard on our new budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1. The Leadership Team has been focused on defining our foundation as a church to help guide us forward in Jesus’s Name.

The annual meeting will take place in the Upper Fine Center following worship. Registration for the meeting is required so we know how many to plan for. We will share in a luncheon served family-style at round tables. A free will offering will be taken to help with the costs of the luncheon. Please register for the June 23 meeting at

This Friday, June 14, you will be receiving an email about the annual meeting which will contain materials to review. Included in this packet will be the agenda for the meeting, nominees for teams, a budget summary, and other items which will be helpful. Keep watch on Friday for this important email message.

We must also give thanks to John Glancy and our Stewardship Team, which is leading our campaign for this year. Last Sunday we heard from Terry Winn about the importance of supporting FFMC with our financial giving. Over the next two weeks, we will hear more stories in Sunday worship about the importance of discipleship and generosity.

God has called us to support His ongoing work at FFMC in important ways. I hope you will join me in praying for our church each day. Prayer is foundational to anything we hope to be and do for the Lord. May God continue to shape us all into the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown
(June 11, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor