Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update
I give thanks to God for the nearly 100 people who attended our church’s annual meeting this past Sunday. The lunch, our music, and the presentations were all helpful. As you heard, our church is looking forward to expanding our ministry on Sunday morning as well as Friday evening with the Friday Night Dinner every month. We are moving forward in both a short and long term strategy to address the needs of our buildings. Our church is gifted both with a fantastic team of staff and those who sacrifice time in servant leadership.
This Sunday we will be receiving new members in our Sunday worship experience and will share our Colombia Encounter after worship. I know each of you will want to greet our newest members at FFMC. I am excited for new growth and new life in so many ways.
This summer, we have a variety of gatherings to center our fellowship. Please read the weekly newsletter for news about our Mariners Watch Party, outdoor worship, and Olympic-themed potluck. Be sure to visit our website or use our app (FFMC) to learn more about what is happening at FFMC.
Finally, I would like to remind all of you to be in prayer for our youth who are at camp this week at Black Diamond. They are sharing in fun and fellowship all week, all while sharing in worship and hearing the good news of Jesus.
Thanks be to God for this season of abundance at First Free. I hope to see you online or in person this Sunday as we conclude our series Treasure Matters and focus on the best gift all, Jesus!
Grace to You All,
Pastor Craig Brown
(June 25, 2024)
Rev. Dr. Craig Brown
Lead Pastor