Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Our Sunday worship this last week was one where the Spirit of God was truly at work. I prepare our sermons and the weekly podcast each Monday. This work is done three weeks before a given Sunday. The theme and focus of this last week’s worship service (June 30) was created on June 10. When preparing the sermon for that day, I had a deep sense that many in our congregation were carrying burdens and needed a way to offer them to the Lord. I give thanks to God for that leading. Together, our burdens are now with Jesus and under his tender care.

This last Sunday marked the second year of my service to FFMC as its pastor. You are all a source of thanksgiving to God for me. While these two years have moved quickly, we can all see the gifts and graces of God being awakened in the life of our church. They have always been there. It is blessing to share in their growth for the sake of our way of life: love people, connect to Jesus, and serve the world.

We have a host of ways this Summer for our church to gather and continue its growth. On Sunday, July 14, we will have a Mariners watch party. Please register ASAP if you are going to join us for a “ball park lunch” after the service in the gym. Don’t forget your lawn chairs for watching the Mariners on the big screen! Register at so we know how much food to prepare.

Make plans to join our Picnic and Worship on SPU’s Tiffany Loop on Wednesday, July 31 at 5:00 p.m. We will also have a special Olympic-themed potluck on Sunday, August 18 after worship, which includes a special showing of the movie “Chariots of Fire”.

As you read this, I am teaching a week-long course for Seattle Pacific Seminary at SPU called Ministerial Leadership. Your prayers are welcome for me and our twelve students as we journey together toward a more effective way to serve God’s people.

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown
(July 2, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor