Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Let me begin with a word of gratitude for FFMC and our Leadership Team. On Sunday, the chairperson of our Leadership Team, Diann Barry, took a moment at the end of worship to acknowledge my second anniversary serving our church as its Lead Pastor. My thanksgiving to God for our church continues to overflow. Our community is one of care and grace. Know that Bettina and I are thankful for these two years and look forward to many more years to come in the FFMC community.

Our summer worship series, Ancient Wisdom for Joyful Days, started this last week. This new worship series is based on the book of Ecclesiastes and the writings of the Apostle Paul. The weekly podcast called “Passages” is a bible study on the scripture I will be preaching on the coming Sunday. Since Ecclesiastes is not a “familiar” text, I encourage you to listen to the podcast each week either on your favorite podcasting app or by using the FFMC app.

Pastor Camille will bring the sermon this week as she focuses on Ecclesiastes 2 and a teaching on how we can do our best work. I’ll be back preaching the following week on the passage of scripture most people know from Ecclesiastes 3. (Turn, Turn, Turn)

During these warm summer days, may we each remember to hold one another and our church in prayer. God is moving in wonderful ways at FFMC. Thanks be to God for all things!

Grace to You All,
Pastor Craig Brown
(July 9, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor