Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Our worship series, Ancient Wisdom for Joyful Days, continued this last Sunday with Pastor Camille offering an important word about the work we do, day-in and day-out. I am thankful for the worship experience we have at FFMC with the opportunities to share in a diversity of music, preaching, and prayer. I’ll be preaching this week with a sermon based on Ecclesiastes 3. We won’t be using this well-known song in worship, but I have included it here with its original writer, Pete Seeger.

The response of the FFMC family to our June stewardship campaign is showing fruitful results. As of the end of June, our giving is at 99% of what we expected for the first six months of the year. July and August are often busy months of travel and recreation. Join with me in a continued commitment to the Lord by supporting the work of FFMC. August of 2024 will close our short fiscal year before beginning a new year on September 1.

July 31 at 5:00 p.m. we will share in our first Picnic & Worship in SPU’s Tiffany Loop. I hope you will come with your picnic basket loaded and your lawn chairs for a great time of fellowship, singing, and worship. (This is not a potluck event so be sure to bring everything you will need.) You can find more information in our app (FFMC both the Google Play Store or Apple App Store) or on our website

Finally, I do pray that we will join our hearts in praying for our nation and its leaders as we are commended to do in scripture (1 Timothy 2:1-4.) This election season is filled with uncertainty, yet we affirm that we are children of God with an eternal citizenship in God’s glorious kingdom.

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown
(July 16, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor