Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update
Greetings Friends!
It was awesome to be reminded this Sunday of God’s presence that is everywhere, but also very specifically with us in this time and place. Rev. Dr. Brian Lugioyo pointed to the love of God available and displayed for us at the Lord’s Table. We are truly nourished by Jesus, our Bread of Life. This is the hope we share with each other and the world. So we can join in proclaiming, like the Levite priests, “Behold, the love of God for you!” Our Sunday Café and Fostering Hope Open House were a wonderful time for sharing and celebration. For many it was their first time to see all the good things happening on our 4th floor at FFMC.
This week I had the opportunity to meet with pastors and leaders at a luncheon to pray for our city. It was an incredible time of connection as we lifted up our churches, youth & families, schools, businesses and civic leaders. God is on the move in Seattle! It was incredibly encouraging to hear testimonies of God’s work and be powerfully reminded that we are part of something much greater than ourselves.
We also praise God for His faithfulness. As work continues on our sanctuary space, we are deeply grateful for the heritage of countless people over 140 years who have prayed, gathered and given, so we could worship in this place. It’s exciting to witness new finishes that add to the beauty of our space. Our stellar Staff and Facilities Team continue to do amazing work to carry this large project forward. The hope is for completion the first part of February. We thank God for many answers to prayer throughout this time! Pastor Craig is reporting growing strength and energy, as many of his restrictions after surgery have been lifted. He is listening to his body as he continues to improve. He looks forward to worshipping with us at our Ash Wednesday Service on February 14th.
I am especially grateful this week for the efforts of Hannah Rogers, our Fostering Hope Resident, Children’s Ministry Director and dynamic SPU senior. If you did not get a chance to hear her moving testimony on January 14th, go back and watch at Not only does she do a fantastic job connecting with our foster youth in the Supply Room and foster kids at our Support Groups, she also coordinates an engaging Kid’s Camp every Sunday. I am excited about the new Valentine’s Event Hannah has planned a for our whole community! On Friday, February 2nd at 5:30pm, there will be card making, cookie decorating, pizza, and even dancing for all ages in the Fine Center. Plan to come and support this FUN celebration! Invite others or email [email protected] to help.
Thank you for your commitment to support the ministries at FFMC, as you pray, serve and give financially. We look forward to welcoming Rev. Dr. Brian Lugioyo, Dean of the SPU Seminary, back to share God’s Word with us again this Sunday.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Camille Pook
(January 23, 2024)

Rev. Camille Pook
Pastor of Mission and Service