Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update
This Sunday we launch a new worship series called, “Gathered to Go.” Our worship theme for September and October will also be our running theme for the entire year through June. In the initial six-week series we will be hearing from quite a few voices. Each of them will be used by the Holy Spirit to shape our lives with more focus on the mission Jesus has given us all.
September 8 – Pastor Craig Preaching, Genesis 12:1-8
September 15 – Celebration Sunday, Colombia Mission Team, Pastor Camille Preaching
September 22 – Pastor Sègbégnon Gnonhossou Preaching
September 29 – SPU President Deana Porterfield Preaching
October 6 – Pastor Craig Preaching, Matthew 10:16-23
October 13 – Pastor Craig Preaching, Luke 7:1-17
“Gathered to Go” is about mission. Dr. Leslie Newbigin, one of the foremost theologians on the church’s mission, spoke of how the church “gathers and sends” and, in doing so, functions like a breathing person. He likened this process of gathering and sending to life-giving respiration. Failure to breathe brings death. Deep and vital breathing are the pathway for vitality and life. Gather. Send.
This series and our theme for the year will help FFMC become more and more aware of how God has gifted us for mission and ministry. “Gathered to Go” will help each of us grasp how God has blessed us in order to be a blessing.
During my first two years as your pastor, in collaboration with our Leadership Team, we have better defined who we are as a church with our way of life to Love People, Connect to Jesus, and Serve the World. This coming year, our focus is clearly fixed on helping our church mobilize for its work in Christ Jesus.
I am grateful for all that God has already done in our midst. We are a church filled with hope for our future. May we all join together to lean into God’s purpose for FFMC in Seattle and in the world!
Grace to You All,
Pastor Craig Brown
(September 3, 2024)
Rev. Dr. Craig Brown
Lead Pastor