Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update
God be the glory! Great things He has done! Pastor Craig has experienced healing at a faster rate than expected after his surgery. For those who get our newsletter, we recieved good news from Pastor Craig in a video update. Thank you, Jesus, for this answer to prayer! It was a joy to be led in worship by some of our youth on Sunday, as well as the choir’s beautiful anthem of God’s abiding love. Rev. Dr. Brian Lugioyo preached about the deep meaning for us in the Presentation of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. The new carpet and pew upholstery in our sanctuary added to a sense of anticipation in worship. We praise God for His faithfulness in our lives and the new things God is doing.
We have a FUN, new thing for you to join in THIS week! On Friday, February 2nd at 5:30pm in the Fine Center will be our FFMC Family and Friends Valentine’s Dance. There will be something for everyone at this community event. Children’s Ministry Director Hannah Rogers has planned card making, cookie decorating, as well as a pizza dinner. We hope many North Queen Anne Childcare families will join us too. More volunteers are needed to make this a fantastic event for all. Please sign up to volunteer on our Events webpage. I hope to see you there!
This Sunday we welcome Rev. Celeste Cranston, ordained Free Methodist Elder in our PNW Conference, as our guest preacher. She serves as the Director of SPU’s Center for Biblical and Theological Education and oversees “Soul Care,” as well as being a Spiritual Director. I know we will be blessed with what God has laid on her heart for us.
I was scheduled to preach again on Sunday, February 11th, but we have an amazing opportunity that opened up for us to hear a message from our Global Partner Rev. Hany. It’s been several years since Hany and his wife Joanne have been able to travel from the Middle East to the US, and now they have a sweet baby girl with them. Since Hany has been part of our faith family, and we are strongly supporting their work, I felt the timing they are available is vitally important. So I am excited to welcome Rev. Hany to share God’s Word with us, as well as encouraging more time for ministry stories, questions, and answers during a combined fellowship and class time following the service on the 11th in the Fine Center.
Our Ministry Staff is preparing a meaningful Ash Wednesday Service of prayer and reflection on Wednesday, February 14th at 7pm in the Sanctuary. This will begin the forty-day Lenten journey with Jesus, focusing on our need for repentance, love and service. I look forward to being on this journey towards the cross with you.
As January comes to a close, we are still $10,000 short of our anticipated budget for the Ministry Operating Fund for this month. Your prayers and ongoing financial stewardship are essential to support all that we do. I thank God for you.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Camille Pook
(January 30, 2024)

Rev. Camille Pook
Pastor of Mission and Service