Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Bettina and I had the opportunity to help with the Friday Night Dinner this last week. This is one of the first indoor, non-summer events we have held for the families in North Queen Anne Childcare. Our theme for the evening was a “Bob Ross Painting Event.” Families came and filled all of the tables which had been set up. Children (and adults) painted some remarkable art after having breakfast for dinner. (Yes, that is where the muffins we served on Sunday morning came from.)

We continue to build community and fellowship with these families. Our hope is to launch an additional Friday night gathering per month which will be more faith centered. We are praying now that a new community of people emerges on Friday night whose lives are grounded in Christ.

Our modern worship ministry continues to engage more and more students from SPU. Lisa Moe and our crack audio team (Colin Chandler & Jenny Young) have set up a studio for SPU students to use to learn and lead modern worship music. On Sunday, October 13, we had our first SPU student from this new effort help lead worship with us.

I could offer more stories of lives being changed and new ministries which are emerging all over FFMC which may not be as apparent to those who worship each Sunday morning. Change is happening. People are being reached.

Will you join me in prayer for these new people who are connecting with FFMC? Now is the time for prayer for God’s new future of our church and its mission in the world. I am thankful for all the ways the Spirit is alive and moving in our midst.

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown
(October 22, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor