Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Blessed Third Day of Christmas!

I pray that your Christmas Eve and Day were filled with joy, wonder, and love as we celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus. We look forward to his coming again with a sense of anticipation for the eternal age of God’s love in Jesus.

During this “in-between” time, may we see all the ways where God’s eternal age is breaking through. Our worship series, The Coming Presence, is focused on the reality of Christ’s coming and how we can already see it in our midst. Jesus carefully held this truth in his ministry. The Kingdom is here now and is to come. In other words, where Jesus is; there His Kingdom is. Our work in this time is to be salt and light in this world so that all will know of God’s love in Jesus.

I’ll be away on vacation this Sunday with Bettina as we travel to Austin, TX to visit dear friends. We will miss being with all of you this week for worship. I’ll be back before Sunday, January 5 as we kick off our new series, “This Is the Way,” in which we explore our Way of Discipleship.

This Sunday we welcome Derrell McCallum as our preacher. Derrell is a soon-to-be graduate of Northwest University. He has nearly completed his studies while working full-time at Boeing. Derrell has been a part of the FFMC congregation for many years. I know you will welcome him with open hearts and ears for the word God will bring through him.

May your Christmas days be filled with the coming presence of Jesus!

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown
(December 27, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor