Pastor’s eNote: Last Week of Lent
Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus, Savior of all.
I give thanks to God for the great things we saw happening at FFMC last weekend. Our Eggstravaganza on Saturday was a great success. We had dozens of families from our church and the North Queen Anne Childcare present for a fun morning of games, egg hunts, Bible stories, and pancakes. Many thanks to all our volunteers who were there! Our Palm Sunday worship featured some powerful stories from four different people in our church family. I give thanks to God for each story and its powerful witness. If you did not see the sermon featuring these testimonies, you can view them on our church app (FFMC), website, or YouTube.
Holy Week is now here with an important time to worship this Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Our Maundy Thursday worship remembers Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you.” We will share in Holy Communion and re-tell the story of Jesus’ passion and death. The worship experience will be livestreamed for those not attending in-person.
Easter worship will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Easter Sunday morning. Our time of celebrating Jesus’ victory over sin and death will give us an opportunity to experience hope in every situation. Our praise team, choir, and others are preparing for a wonderful time of celebration and joy. Our Easter offering will support all of our church’s local missions. You can make your gift to our local missions using the button below or by making a special gift on Easter Sunday. The special Easter offering is over and above our regular church giving.
Don’t forget our important Town Hall meeting on Saturday, April 6 at 9:00 a.m. Please bring a simple breakfast food item to share in our informal potluck before the Town Hall begins. Everyone is welcome to participate either in-person or online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link at
I look forward to the journey through Holy Week with you all. May we experience God’s infinite depth of love as we give thanks for Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Grace to You All,
Pastor Craig Brown
(March 26, 2024)
Rev. Dr. Craig Brown
Lead Pastor