Pastor’s eNote: Weekly Update

Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus, the Living Lord.

Our attendance at Saturday’s Town Hall meeting was a great blessing. Over 50 people attended to hear more about what is happening at FFMC along with updates on our financial health and facilities planning. We had time to share in questions and answers about the immediate and long-range future of FFMC. If you would like to a copy of the presentation used at the Town Hall, contact the church office ([email protected]).

Our staff and leadership are engaged in planning for 2024-2025 fiscal/ministry year, which is starting in September. The work of setting goals and budget for the coming year is getting underway. I hope you have marked June 23 on your calendar as our Annual Meeting. There we will share in lunch followed by the election of our leaders, presentation of our budget, and other important matters.

This past Sunday we kicked off our new worship series, “The Art of Holy Living,” which is a companion series with this year’s Paul T. Walls Lecture given by Dr. Doug Strong. I hope you will make plans to join us on Wednesday, April 17 at 6:00 p.m. for the lecture, refreshments, and panel discussion. In addition, I know you will want to hear Dr. Strong as he preaches at FFMC on May 5 when he will conclude our worship series.

May your April days be filled with love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. FFMC is a vibrant community of grace. I hope we are all being blessed each day with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Grace to You All,

Pastor Craig Brown

(April 9, 2024)

Rev. Dr. Craig Brown

Lead Pastor